Aptitude - Calendar


On what dates of April, 2001 did Wednesday fall ?


Answer :

Option D

Explanation :

1st April, 2001 = (2000 years + Period from 1.1.2001 to 1.4.2001)
Odd days in 1600 years = 0
Odd days in 400 years = 0
Jan. Feb. March April
(31 + 28 + 31 + 1) = 91 days i.e 0 odd days.
Total number of odd days = (0 + 0 + 0) = 0
On 1st April, 2001 it was Sunday.
In April, 2001 Wednesday falls on 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th.

How many days are there in x weeks x days ?


Answer :

Option B

Explanation :

x weeks x days = (7x + x) days = 8x days.

What was the day of the week on 17th June, 1998 ?


Answer :

Option C

Explanation :

17th June, 1998 = (1997 years + Period from 1.1.1998 to 17.6.1998)
Odd days in 1600 years = 0
Odd days in 300 years = (5 x 3) =15 i.e 1
97 years has 24 leap years + 73 ordinary years. Number of odd days in 97 years ( 24 x 2 + 73) = 121 = 2 odd days.
Jan. Feb. March April May June
(31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 17) = 168 days
168 days = 24 weeks = 0 odd day.
Total number of odd days = (0 + 1 + 2 + 0) = 3.
Given day is Wednesday.

What will be the day of the week on 15th August, 2025 ?


Answer :

Option B

Explanation :

15th August, 2025 = (2024 years + Period 1.1.2010 to 15.8.2010)
Odd days in 2000 years = 0
24 years = (6 leap years + 18 ordinary years) = (2 x 6 + 18 x 1) = 30 odd days = 2 odd days.
Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. 
(31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 15) = 227 days
227 days = (32 weeks + 3 days) = 3 odd days.
Total number of odd days = (0 + 2 + 3) = 5 odd days.
Given day is Friday.

01-01-2008 is Tuesday. What day of the week lies on Jan 1, 2009 ?


Answer :

Option C

Explanation :

The year 2008 is a leap year. So, it has 2 odd days.
1st day of the year 2008 is Tuesday (Given)
So, 1st day of the year 2009 is 2 days beyond Tuesday.
Hence, it will be Thursday.
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